What can the Texas Legislature aggressively do to address these critical issues?

Border Security
Education Reform
Taxpayer Protection
Law and Order
Term Limits
Texas "Electoral College"
Closed Primaries
Texas State Sovereignty and Nullification
Protect Businesses from Government Overreach
Proxy Voting / Statements of Vote Change
No Alcohol on the Floor of Either Chamber

Plan developed by Dale Huls

Border Security: Only two bills in this past legislative session mentioned a word that every Texan already knows is true when it comes to the border: invasion. HB 4368 never made it out of the House State Affairs committee, and the Senate's SCR 29 never made it to a floor vote.

Our Texas legislature must be unafraid to state the obvious - Texas is under invasion at our border because the federal government disrespects Texas and the people who live in this great state.

Rep. Matt Schaefer was right to pursue a Border Protection Unit in the bill he filed, HB 20. When the Speaker of the House agreed to let it die by Democrat point of order, House Republicans wanted to protest and should have protested. We cannot trust the federal government to protect Texas and our elected officials must fight for Texas with every tool available.

We need to establish a Legislative Border Safety Oversight Committee that will conduct objective research, analysis, and recommendations to help guide state border safety policies and oversee the Border Protection Unit.

With the passage of SB 4 during special session, we cannot back down from repelling persons attempting to enter Texas unlawfully at locations other than the ports of entry. We must return aliens to Mexico who have been observed crossing the Texas-Mexico border unlawfully and were apprehended, detained, or arrested in the vicinity of the Texas-Mexico border.

We must also use force to repel, arrest, and detain known transnational cartel operatives in the border region. Let's make it a 3rd-degree felony offense for a person who knowingly trespasses on a person's property while entering Texas from another jurisdiction.

Any Democrat effort to imply that protecting the Texas border is somehow "racist" or analogous to "declaring war on Mexico" must be mocked and dismissed - at every level of government.

Lastly, we must enhance the examination of aircraft, ships, vehicles, railcars, and cargo at or near ports of entry for the purpose of interdicting fentanyl and other dangerous drugs and interdicting human smuggling. No Texan should die from drugs trafficked across our border and no human should ever be smuggled in a modern-day slave trade. Anyone who fights border security is simply pro-slavery, pro-cartel, and pro-death by dangerous drugs.

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Education Reform: Parents are the first and last word on their child's education. This is not about protecting schools; it's about protecting children. When the discussion becomes about optimizing student performance so that the vast majority of Texas children are proficient at grade level in math and reading, then we're having the right discussion. To that end, all options for educational choice must be available and without government strings attached.

We must restore classroom discipline to the teacher for problems in the classroom. Administrators who fail to enforce discipline in the classroom need to be removed.

Texas must respect religious exemptions for teachers regarding curriculums that conflict with religious beliefs.

We must facilitate prosecutions of bad teachers and protection from lawsuits if the ISDs remain within state laws and guidelines. We must reform required training and certification requirements. Texas needs to authorize an Office of Inspector General for Education to oversee Texas Independent School Districts.

School boards must be held accountable for the curriculum taught in a district. We have to tie teachers to students to access teacher performance through the lens of each student's performance.

Texas must remove any bias regarding a college track education versus a vocational track education. We must investigate and address any college acceptance discrimination between rural and urban students.

Finally, we must remove the data collection of our children through technology. That is utterly unacceptable. Any Texas official who encourages or facilitates such collection must be removed immediately.

To read more about a Conservative Agenda for Texas Education Reform, click here.

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Taxpayer Protection: Texas must work to phase out immoral property taxes without introducing new taxes or expanding existing ones. In this big state where nothing is impossible, we can invite the creativity and ingenuity of all Texans to set this goal and find the right path to it.

Should the elimination of property taxes extend into multiple sessions, we must propose property tax exemptions to seniors and parents who homeschool or send their children to private schools.

Some possible means of achieving this milestone:

Texas must restore fiscal responsibility to the Texas legislature. Lawmakers need to support legislation mandating that all state agencies proposing new regulations must remove two existing regulations before the regulation can take effect, promoting a leaner and more efficient regulatory framework.

Furthermore, a 6-year spending freeze starting with the 88th legislature budget as a baseline has to be implemented. The only exception to increased spending would be under an emergency declaration by the governor addressing natural disasters or external threats such as criminal encroachment into Texas by transnational gangs.

To protect our monetary freedom, the Texas Comptroller should create a 100% reserve gold and silver-backed transactional currency. This legislation will create an option for Texans to conduct business in sound money, set the stage to undermine the Federal Reserve’s monopoly on money, and possibly create a viable alternative to a central bank digital currency (CBDC).

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Law and Order: Pass legislation to ensure that any District Attorney who fails to respect and enforce the criminal code of Texas will be subject to removal from office under the authority of the Texas Attorney General.

If a municipality fails to protect citizens from crime, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) should be able to take operational control of any police department.

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Term Limits: No one should ever be a "career politician." We must limit Representatives in the Texas House to eight years (four terms) and State Senators to eight years (two terms) as well.

Current Senators would be grandfathered to zero at their next election upon passage of the bill. Perhaps allow a census exception for those Senators who draw a two-year term but permit no generational House seats.

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Texas "Electoral College": We must protect rural Texas from being overwhelmed by the more liberal population centers by instituting a form of electoral college requiring a 2/3 or 3/5 approval of Texas counties for a Texas constitutional amendment.

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Closed Primaries: Part of the Democrats' ability to run the Texas House is their ability to cross over and vote for liberal Republicans in the primaries. Texas must become a closed primary state.

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Texas State Sovereignty and Nullification: Support a Texas constitutional amendment to re-establish the natural sovereignty of Texas per Article 1, Sec. 1 and 2 of the Texas Constitution and in accordance with the fact of dual sovereignty between the Compact States and the federal government in accordance with the U.S. Constitution. The resolution shall declare that as a sovereign State, Texas has the right to declare federal laws, regulations, or actions as unconstitutional and "void and of no force" in Texas.

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Protect Businesses from Government Overreach: Pass legislation prohibiting any designation of businesses or employees in Texas as "non-essential" during times of crisis, protecting their right to operate and provide for their families.

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Proxy Voting / Statements of Vote Change: No member should able to vote in the place of any other member. Each member should have absolute authority over their votes on the House floor. We cannot allow proxy voting by other Republicans - and even with Democrats it is a bad practice that does not represent the true intentions of the voters. The Senate is right to not allow this practice.

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No Alcohol on the Floor of Either Chamber: This shouldn't have to be said, but we must eliminate the "legislative bar" just outside the Texas House floor. No Texan is allowed to drink on the job. Doing so disrespects the institution and the voters who expect sober proceedings.

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